I spent a good bit of time in this chicken house that's now being used as a barn as a child. My parents used to raise approximately 40,000 broilers at a time. There were 3 chicken houses. Two of them they had built but this one was on the farm when they bought it I believe. At any rate it is OLD. I remember spending a lot of time here. It still stands and I can see it from my kitchen window. I know that it has been standing for over 50 years. I was a "tom-boy" when I was younger and I remember once hiding behind the huge feed bin to this #1 chicken house dressed in black jeans and a black hooded jacket. I put the hood on my head and was carrying a little toy rifle. My mom had been working in #2 chicken house just below this one and she thought I was at home. She had no idea anyone was around and when she came up the small hill from #2 back up to #1 I jumped out at her and almost scared her to death. I was probably just about 8 or 10 but what a dumb thing to do! I am crying now even as I type this. I am sure she laughed about it later but her heart gave a jump at the moment. Funny how just a look at an old chicken house can bring back a flood of memories. I had one of the best moms in the world. I wish I could hug her just one more time. But actually, I wouldn't bring her back to this old world if I could. Well, I just meant to put that pic up to show the view from my back porch and kitchen window and the memories and tears just started flowing so I got an unplanned post out of it. Hope you enjoyed it and if you are one of the fortunate ones who knew my mother you are indeed a blessed person and if Mom could speak to us right now she'd say that it was worth every mile and every trial and she'd ask us to be sure to meet her in Heaven. I will meet you in the morning Mom. Miss you and love you. But in the meantime I will do my best to be "stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as [I] know that [my] labour is not in vain in the Lord." I Corinthians 15:58
I keep trying but can't seem to get a comment to stick to your posts. My mom grew up on a chicken farm. I enjoyed your reflection.