Have you decided to accept truth? Do you accept truth? Then you must accept all truth and except no truth. (except-leaving out, keeping out, or even shutting out)
Pilate asked, "What is truth?" But he incorrectly used the word 'what'. Rather, he should have asked, "Who is truth?" For he was standing face to face with TRUTH. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Who is the Way? Jesus is the Way. Who is Truth? Jesus is Truth. Who is Life? Jesus is Life. If we reject the Way, we reject Jesus. If we reject the Truth, we reject Jesus. If we reject the Life, we reject Jesus.
What if we only reject some of the Way? Then we have rejected ALL the Way. What if we reject only a part of the Life? Then we have rejected ALL of the Life. There must be a total surrender to Him as Lord.
Must I accept all Truth? May I not, perhaps , cast aside or ignore some Truth? Perhaps I do not fully understand it or I have a difficult time accepting it as Truth. It hurts me. It would force a change on me. It would cost me a friendship, a pleasure, a place. I cannot accept it. I will not accept it. And so , I except that Truth. And in so doing, I except a part of Christ. I refuse to cling to a Truth for which Christ stands. I will accept some Truth, most Truth- but I have accepted all I will. I want no more Truth.
Will you stop at half Truth? Would you accept Deuteronomy 22:5 and except Psalm 101:3? Will you accept I Corinthians 7:39 and except the Mark chapter 10 statement that remarriage without the death of one's spouse is always adultery? Will you accept John 3:16 and except IITimothy 3:12? If you will do this- accept half the Truth and except half the Truth-you will allow a cancer to enter the church and instead of seeking to cast it out, you will indeed gravitate toward it and feed it and fellowship with it. Will you feed and fellowship with the very thing that will drain away your life? Will you laugh and jest with the very thing that will one day lead your children astray? These Truths you will not accept, your children may one day blatantly reject. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." The psalmist David said, "I hate the work of them that turn aside."
Our churches in ages past sought for Truth, fought for Truth. They did as Proverbs instructs, "Buy the truth and sell it not..." Proverbs 23:23
Of what price is truth to be bought? It is often at the high price of loss of friendship, loss of family ties, loss of wordly pleasure, loss of place. Many have gladly, willingly paid this price and many have paid the much higher price of death.
Will you pet, pamper, feed , and accept this cancer that others have boldly sought to annihilate? They have fought to rid the Christian church of these evils and it has cost them dearly. It has cost them relationships with sons and daughters. It has caused them to sometimes lead lonely lives in order to be obedient to the whole Truth. Will you flaunt before them the very thing that has cost them so?
Will you stand for the Truth or will you help usher into the church the cancer that will seek to bring it down? (Though the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.) Accept Truth. Fight for Truth. Stand for Truth. Live out Truth. Teach Truth. Preach Truth. Die, if need be, for Truth. Is this not what our Lord meant when He spoke this truth to the multitude in Luke 14 - "If any man come to Me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he CANNOT [emphasis mine] be my disciple."?
Is this Truth too much for you? Or is this TOO MUCH TRUTH for you?
In many churches 60 years ago women wore dresses, divorce was frowned upon, remarriage was forbidden, and fornication was grounds for excommunication from the church. Today in many of these same churches the dress code for the members is "come as you are", divorce is sometimes "necessary", remarriage is encouraged, and fornication is normal behavior. Is it any wonder that now these same churches are endorsing second , third, fourth... marriages, women in the pulpit, and " worship team dancers"? At the rate our independent Baptist churches are accepting the very sins we stood against just 20 years ago one has to wonder how soon our churches,too, will go the way of the world. "Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." "Thy Word is Truth." Accept His word. Accept all of it.
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